Category: Health
The Heart of the Matter: Your Guide to Cardiovascular Wellness
February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about cardiovascular health and how to keep your heart in top condition. Are you taking steps to protect your heart? You can actively reduce your risk for heart disease by adopting a healthy diet, staying physically active, and managing your cholesterol and blood pressure. Heart…
Ho, Ho, Ho-ld Off on the Bad Habits This Holiday Season
‘Tis the season for family, festivity, and food—lots of food. The holidays dish up a triple whammy of wintry weather, irresistible foods, and stress, which can cause even the strongest-willed person to reach for another festive goodie. While the notion of enjoying “healthy holidays” has a nice ring to it, reaching that goal can be…
The Attitude of Gratitude
You may have heard the saying attitude of gratitude. It’s a great little rhyme to remind us to live a life of gratitude – and practice it! When we practice being thankful on a regular basis, it not only impacts our mental and physical health, but those around you as well. The Definition of Gratitude…
Fact Sheet for Consumers About the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a consumer-facing fact sheet to help people know what to expect at the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). The Department of Health and Human Services is planning for the federal PHE and the COVID-19 national emergency to expire at the end of the day…
Benefits 101: Vision Insurance
According to WebMD, the eyes are the most highly developed sensory organs in your body. Did you know that more of your brain is dedicated to the sense of sight than to all of the other senses combined? So, it makes sense that you would do all that you can to protect and care for these…