
  • We’re Moving!

    We’re Moving!

    Great news from RAM Benefits! We’re excited to announce our upcoming move to a new location that will allow us to serve you even better. As of April 29th, our new office will be conveniently located at 3500 American Blvd W, Suite 450 in Bloomington, MN 55431. This move signifies our commitment to growth and…

  • HSAs Made Easy: Learn the Essentials & Protect Your Savings from Mistakes

    HSAs Made Easy: Learn the Essentials & Protect Your Savings from Mistakes

    Health savings accounts (HSAs) have become a vital part of many employers’ benefits packages, offering employees a powerful tool to manage healthcare expenses while benefiting from tax advantages. However, managing HSAs goes beyond just facilitating contributions. It also involves understanding and addressing mistakes with distributions that employees might encounter. This article delves into the basics…

  • Empowering Gen X: Building a Competitive Benefits Package

    Empowering Gen X: Building a Competitive Benefits Package

    Today’s workforce is a mix of generations, and Gen X is a group you can’t afford to overlook. Known for their flexibility and problem-solving skills, Gen X employees bring a powerful combination of experience and value to any company. Gen X, those born between 1965 and 1980, makes up a significant chunk (27%) of today’s…

  • Compliance Recap | June 2024

    Compliance Recap | June 2024

    ACA PREVENTIVE CARE MANDATE REMAINS IN PLACE WITH AN EXCEPTION In a recent decision, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a key provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that mandates private insurance cover preventive services without cost to patients. However, the court also ruled that the plaintiffs are exempt from complying with this mandate,…

  • Benefits 101: What Is an HDHP?

    Benefits 101: What Is an HDHP?

    In today’s world of complex health insurance options, High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) have become increasingly popular. But with a name like “high deductible,” it’s natural to have questions. Let’s break down the basics of HDHPs: What is an HDHP? An HDHP is a health insurance plan with a higher deductible than traditional plans. This…

  • Empowering Baby Boomers: Building a Competitive Benefits Package

    Empowering Baby Boomers: Building a Competitive Benefits Package

    A Baby Boomer is someone born between 1946 and 1964. This generation is currently between 58 and 78 years old (in 2024).  They tend to have a strong, loyal work ethic and excel at face-to-face communication and building relationships with colleagues.  Boomers have a wealth of experience accumulated over long careers. They value jobs that…

  • Form 5500: What You Need To Know

    Form 5500: What You Need To Know

    Attention Employers: Don’t Miss Your Form 5500 Deadline! Here’s a simplified breakdown of what you need to know about filing your employee benefit plan report: Who Needs to File? Employers subject to ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) with employee benefit plans, unless exempt. What to File? Form 5500 (annual report) for each employee benefit…

  • Investing in Health Prevention and Wellness: A Smart Bet

    Investing in Health Prevention and Wellness: A Smart Bet

    The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” rings truer than ever in today’s world. While reactive healthcare plays a crucial role in treating illness, a growing emphasis is being placed on the power of health prevention and wellness. Investing in preventive measures and promoting overall well-being isn’t just about…

  • Benefits 101: What Is Voluntary Life Insurance?

    Benefits 101: What Is Voluntary Life Insurance?

    Life Insurance at Work: Your Guide to Voluntary Coverage We all juggle life’s different responsibilities, and ensuring our loved ones are financially secure in case of our passing should be a top priority. Life insurance offers a safety net but typically the amount of coverage included as a standard company-paid life insurance policy isn’t enough…

  • Protect Your Mental Health with an EAP

    Protect Your Mental Health with an EAP

    Mental health isn’t just the absence of illness. It’s a continuum ranging from severe symptoms such as panic attacks and major depression to excellent mental strength and well-being. Sometimes you’re not ill, but you aren’t well either – and you need help.  If you’re feeling down about work or a problem in your life and…

  • Benefits Check-up: 6 Compliance Issues Affecting Your Clients’ Health

    Benefits Check-up: 6 Compliance Issues Affecting Your Clients’ Health

    A health plan is more than a product or service; it’s a relationship. All productive and healthy relationships—especially in the benefits space—rely on trust. When an employer extends trust in a broker or insurance carrier to purchase something as critical as healthcare—for people as critical as their workers and families—we’re obligated to raise all factors…